Andrea LaRochelle
High Conflict Separation & Divorce Communication & Co-Parenting Solutions

Andrea LaRochelle
Andrea’s 20+ years experience, coupled with her extensive high conflict training, have made her a leading expert in high conflict interpersonal dynamics. Whether you're stuck with a sibling/family member who makes the whole family miserable or co-parenting with someone who appears hell bent on trying to destroy you, Andrea's signature Disengage, Decide, Deliver process for managing high conflict relationships will change your life. For real.
Nothing quite compares to the all encompassing anxiety and stress associated with trying to navigate a high conflict person/relationship and the drama they create. Andrea has helped hundreds of families learn invaluable skills so they can stop surviving their high conflict situations and start thriving in their life.
Professional Highlights
Former High Conflict Institute Canadian Director, Speaker & Trainer.
Former Registered Family Mediator with Alberta Family Mediation Society .
Parenting After Separation, Parenting After Separation High Conflict and Focus on Communication in Separation Co-ordinator.
Author: The High Conflict Co-Parenting Survival Guide, I'm Done: Take Control of Your High Conflict Divorce, Good-bye Bugs kids book series (Good-bye Angry Bugs, Good-bye Teary Bugs, Good-bye Worry Bugs).
Creator & Author of the Disengage.- Decide- Deliver High Conflict Communication Method.
Communicating with someone high conflict requires a completely different skill set than regular communication. ​
* learn what to say, when to say it and the to say nothing at all
*implement Andrea's communication method and stop worrying about the next email or text attack​
*Andrea will hold your hand every step of the way - whether you need a quick text response or a clear and concise email to a professional - she's got your back